Nigeria is Our Hometown

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nigeria is our hometown, a nation that lacks accountability, needs abilities and encompasses so many possibilities. This is my nation, your nation, Nigeria.

We are the future generation, and when I say this, I don't mean it in a figurative way. It's not the generation below us, nor the generation above us, but this present generation. If you know you're between the ages of 18 and 30, then I am talking about you. Many of us say bad things about our country and to be honest, I once was like that. Nigerians pray to God everyday for a better nation, but the truth of the matter is that more than 50% of those prayers are void. Why?
Because they lack faith. The same people who pray for a change then turn around and say there's no hope.

What is faith? I surely don't need to define that. Young entrepreneurs, we need not be like our country. If we blend into what already is, then there will be no change. Take our Government for example -a lot of corruption. Once about a year or two ago, a friend of mine told me that if he joined the government in Nigeria, he'll take part of the corruption; according to him "The Government has stolen fro me, so I shall steal from her too. There's a lot of money and I want as much as I can get"

I'm like ????...
If there are many out there that have this same type of mentality, then all I can tell you is that you'll remain in my prayers for as long as it takes.
There's much that needs development in Nigeria -we don't need more people to exploit us, but assist us in seeing our potentials and help us become one nation. Right now, I can't deny the fact that there are new things being implemented into the Country, into the system, but the question we should ask ourselves is "Is that what we really need in Nigeria?"

What do you think is the most important thing a nation needs? We are young Entrepreneurs, some of us are already in the world, some of us are about to step into the world, while some of us will soon join the world. You and me.
It's true, our security system in Nigeria isn't so good, which is why people are reluctant to go back home. Fear. But let me tell you something -The Lord is Our Shepherd and Refuge. As long as we have Him, even though things may happen, He won't let us face it alone.
You are very well educated, you have all the resources to make a difference? Then take that first step and I promise people will follow. The truth is that some aren't as brave as others, but if you're one of the brave ones, you may proceed. We are waiting, Nigeria is waiting and so is the rest of the world.

Its ROugE baBY!!!!


Giagerry said...


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