Wunmi not Nice

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Rather late than never right?
So as the few of you that read this blog may know, we are 4 founders of rouge empire; 3 in Canada and 1 in Nigeria. As of this year, 1(wunmi, founder of Frevoliz) of us decided to step out to another region...The United states of Amerix!lol.

Wunmi is currently in Alabama some city that sounds like "tuscaloca"....Im sure I dint spell it right. She is being greatly missed as the 3 of us can not have our regular small gathering/sleepover at orodes house where we claim to be discussing about rouge empire. But its all good though, cuz we only hope that Wunmi is working as a co-founder of Rouge that she is, spreading the word, and researching for this huge explosion (Rouge empire) that is yet to blow out.

Ok enuf of the sad memories about Wunmi, she isnt dead.....now to the fun yans about her!
Wunmi has been travelling too much and we are angry (rather I am jealous). In only 1 week she has/will be visiting Texas and Atlanta and meeting up with friends that I havent been that priviledged to meet. And soon she will be going to florida...how much fun can a girl have without her friends/partners....Wunmi answer???

So Im using this blog to call out wunmi and let her kno that I am not happy with her...I do not appreciate her having so much fun without me and finally I/we miss u down here!
Hopefully u get this message.lol
Gianna Ozule
Co founder Rouge Empire.
Its ROugE baBY!!!!


LovePaprika said...

lol @ the united states of amerix!!!!!

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