Funny Celebrity Gossip

Friday, June 6, 2008
So it was no lie about how great sex and the city movie turned out...number 1 in North America at the moment since it was released and still counting. Well people like me that have been in the "sex and the city mood" for the past how many days, wake up every morning with Carrie bradshaw in our heads thinking of what outfit to combine for the day...oh yes THE FASHION WAS CRAZY in the movie. Enough about the movie, what we have for you today is a couple of celebrity gossip that i have been into these days. Out of all there was to read about and pictures to view, the Pussycat dolls hideous attire struck me the most interesting.(note im very receptive to anyone's fashion, but this case is totally an EXCEPTION).

And the question was "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?"
Another funny issue was the fact that the dress Sarah Jess' wore for the movie's premiere n NYC had previously been worn by others which Sarah dint appreciate when she found out, which was obviously too late. This was a silver/metallic, hott, Nina Ricci dress which had been worn by Lauren Santo Domingo and LINDSEY LOHAN.....and sarah said "My affection for the dress hasn't changed, but what they did was so short-sighted. It's just unethical and disappointing that they would allow the dress to be worn again." Funny but i can really relate to her in this sitch, not kool atall! However Sarah still rocked it best...atleast i think so!

Erm so yh...whatelse???...oh ok, if your a Basketball fan, you might be interested in knowing (or might already be aware) that Celtics took the game last night from Lakers, which sucked for me cuz im such a Kobe Fan...loool, u notiice how i dint say lakers fan? nd also alot of us must either be rejoicing or lamenting that Obama had more votes of the democrats than Hilary, well im kinda Nigerian, couldnt be bothered... LOOOl
And to our dearest NISQUIX, happy bday in advance and see you at the beach!
Its ROugE baBY!!!!