A lot of things we want and wish we could have,
a kind of friendship we have always pictured,
kind of relationship we dreamt of,
but its never always what we want
that we get and when we get.
Sometimes we need to go through some hard times
but its all good because we know we'll b smiling at the end of the day.
if you are sad, know you cant be sad forever
in no time you will be smiling again and this time for a better reason.
it would be great if we always got want we wanted
but its even greater that we don't,
because its a guarantee that when we finally get it,
it will be greater than what we wanted in d first place!
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Comfort Fedoke eliminated!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!.....tonite our magnificent nigerian hip hop dancer left the show "So you think you can dance". Comfort Fedoke, 20 is from Lagos, Nigeria who resides in Dallas, Texas and has been dancing hip hop for a very long time. Apparently its either the nigerians in the US dint support enough or something else just went wrong somewhere, but it landed our dear Comfort in the bottom three a couple of times. Though they kept on giving her more chances to redeem herself, America was probably not convinced of how great a dancer she was. Finally today the judges were out of chances for comfort. Too bad we over here in Canada, UK or Nigeria cant vote cuz i'm sure if we could, she wont be out right now. Arghhhhh indeed i'm totally burnt! Comfort had such a great personality so i'm totally in shock right now. But like Comfort said, "this is not the last time you would hear of me" and im sooo feeling that statement right now cuz i have to admit she was just unbelievable!. On the other hand, i might just sound a little bit biased to some people bcuz she is Nigerian though i really don't think so. Goodbye pretty Comfort and we hope to hear more about you!
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Leona lewis and Dbanj
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
LOl...what did u really think, when u saw the title??? that leona nd dbanj hooked up??hehehe....dbanj wishes! (jk). So yes ooo...its still 12:01 project and extra stuff....but lately these songs havent been able to get out of my head...LEONA LEWIS and DBANJ!!....so we would have to leave u guys with these songs and let u know wats new, wen we become more interesting...which would hopefully be after this week runs out. Oh my bad...i almost 4got i dint put the songs...Dbanj Came out with a song where he is speaking igbo like he is from anambra----IGWE is the name of the song, while obviously BLEEDING LOVE, FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND AND BETTER IN TIME------by gorgeous leoana lewis!....yh so u can check them out on any of ur sites....atleast so im not the only addict!
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
12:01---yet another busy life
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ok like i said even if its one line....we'll still write. But worry not, it isnt one line!!! Well today has been really hectic, tryna mix skool work with relationship issues and the organisation of a new student group we have come up with at my university. Ok it isnt as bad yet, but its something that would obviously get worse and busier so i should just put it out there. So the group is called 12:01 and its for raising funds for the less priviledged children worlwide.
So i happen to be the Vice president of student afairs and it was cool while i picked that position but then i definitely dint have a clue how much responsibility i was putting on my plate! 12:01's first event would be a car wash (hey dont start thinking skinny girls with little or no clothes...we intend to be DECENT.lol). So i have been up and about working with my fellow officials nd tryin to make it a success. Sadly but true, it falls on a day that is sposed to be one of the Biggest nigerian party her in Canada------EUPHORIA!!! so we r definitely not getting much volunteers from the nigerian community but its all gud though since we are forced to give other races a chance to participate.
Yh Yh Yh so this is wat our flyer is like and just so u kno, its this on friday, saturday and most likely sunday(not sure yet) from 10am to 6pm and shifts are available.

Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Every and anything!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Omg!!! its feels like its been ages since we last blogged (would be nice if we wer missed though!). This last couple of weeks has been all about exams and all that kind of stuff.......summer skool sucks! So thats y we havent really been active in this wonderful place they call blogsville (lol that name cracks me up!). Apart from exams, we have been tripping in and out of continents and cities....for some of us, was baltimore and the NYC while some have been up to Houston, tdot..and all sorts. Oh well no more excuses for not blogging. We are back and making sure even if its one line we drop........its fine! LOL
Erm so been back from all these places one thing i'm beginning to notice is the amount of people that either blog or read blogs. Never knew or understood why they called it blogsville but now i know....its the amount of people on it, i'm guessing thousands or millions. Up to the exebt there is blogsville idol!!!!
Well for us its back to skool and more skool work, but like i said....even if its one line like "hey" we drop, we still drop of sumthing for you! By the way, cuz Baltimore was mentioned among the trips, dont start thinking it was for reunion ooo(We wish!). But would really love to know how all those plenty reunions went, nd i think i heard the supposed largest one was cancelled..true or not?
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Erm so been back from all these places one thing i'm beginning to notice is the amount of people that either blog or read blogs. Never knew or understood why they called it blogsville but now i know....its the amount of people on it, i'm guessing thousands or millions. Up to the exebt there is blogsville idol!!!!
Well for us its back to skool and more skool work, but like i said....even if its one line like "hey" we drop, we still drop of sumthing for you! By the way, cuz Baltimore was mentioned among the trips, dont start thinking it was for reunion ooo(We wish!). But would really love to know how all those plenty reunions went, nd i think i heard the supposed largest one was cancelled..true or not?
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Funny Celebrity Gossip
Friday, June 6, 2008
So it was no lie about how great sex and the city movie turned out...number 1 in North America at the moment since it was released and still counting. Well people like me that have been in the "sex and the city mood" for the past how many days, wake up every morning with Carrie bradshaw in our heads thinking of what outfit to combine for the day...oh yes THE FASHION WAS CRAZY in the movie. Enough about the movie, what we have for you today is a couple of celebrity gossip that i have been into these days. Out of all there was to read about and pictures to view, the Pussycat dolls hideous attire struck me the most interesting.(note im very receptive to anyone's fashion, but this case is totally an EXCEPTION). 
And the question was "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?"

And the question was "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?"
Another funny issue was the fact that the dress Sarah Jess' wore for the movie's premiere n NYC had previously been worn by others which Sarah dint appreciate when she found out, which was obviously too late. This was a silver/metallic, hott, Nina Ricci dress which had been worn by Lauren Santo Domingo and LINDSEY LOHAN.....and sarah said "My affection for the dress hasn't changed, but what they did was so short-sighted. It's just unethical and disappointing that they would allow the dress to be worn again." Funny but i can really relate to her in this sitch, not kool atall! However Sarah still rocked it best...atleast i think so!

Erm so yh...whatelse???...oh ok, if your a Basketball fan, you might be interested in knowing (or might already be aware) that Celtics took the game last night from Lakers, which sucked for me cuz im such a Kobe Fan...loool, u notiice how i dint say lakers fan? nd also alot of us must either be rejoicing or lamenting that Obama had more votes of the democrats than Hilary, well im kinda split....im Nigerian, couldnt be bothered... LOOOl
And to our dearest NISQUIX, happy bday in advance and see you at the beach!
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Just a report!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Yesterday was the release of my very anticipated movie SEX AND THE CITY. I know most of us chicks have either rushed to the cinema or are getting ready(like me) or are waiting for websites to start showing the movie....yh i do that sometimes too!. Well i have thought about every possible thing that can be fun about the movie and one thing im soo going there to see is the CLOTHES, SHOES, BAGS and of course the MEN!lol....but still im sure it would have a great story line. And for those who have watched it i only hope that y'all were not disappointed.
Then...LINDSEY LOHAN...GAY?????.lol, sometimes i just wonder if fame is a good thing really. Cause we all remember the sweet lil child from parent trap at what age, where everyone thought she was the sweetest. Now its a different story, Lindsey has had a lot of issues that we cant even comprehend and the same question is being asked " who is to blame?". Her parents or her?? And now she finally drops her GAY BOMB, which i find terribly hilarious!
Well i have decide to think its either its a publicity stunt(which would be whack bcuz she has had enuf publicity stunts in her life already!) or she is just bored of herself...its either the two.
Oh well people like us (rouge empire), we are getting ready for the spotlight and fame too so
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Nigeria's fun evolution!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Just thot i asked, wasnt GOSSIP GIRL rather a shocker last monday???
Ok today we r going black, black as in Nigeria! For most of us in our generation it might be a hint to lead us into a great future and investment for our country especially in the entertainment and fashion industry. These days all i have been doin, believe it or not is thinking of what to wear for the NEA 2008 in newyork! LoL...you must think i dont have work but maybe i dont cuz i have been on a break from school till monday but eitherways i have been really excited bout a fun weekend in NY with my girls.
And with all this excitment about the awards on June 21st, i have really been digging into Nigeria's past and seeing alot of changes in our industry (entertainment and fashion). I can almost remember what year it was when plantashun boiz were the ish. Now we hear only 2face and faze, i wonder where the third is now
. And still we have more Nigerian music artists doing amazing things like BANKY, i singled him out because he is my favourite and he was a supporter of rouge empire's pink pearl (well i get to that because its my blog, LOL). "Till my dying day" is a song i have not been able to stop loving for a while now, thank you to that "special friend" in houston at the moment who put it in my head!
For those of you that still think the way i used to about how whack the nigerian industry is, i advice you to think again and visit websites such as http://www.underdarock.com/ , http://www.nairaland.com/ and others i might not even know about and see how much you are missing!

We must hail NOLLYWOOD still, its been great having to get glued to websites like onlinenigeria.com (especially those i know who cant even study without being on the site, LOOOL) and watch all the various artist show their talents! We know the oldies (Genevieve, Rita, Dakore, Ramsey and the likes)
and now the new ones have entered the game. Well let me not talk as if i know more than one of them, she happen to have caught my attention ever since i started watch nigerian movies again, MERCY JOHNSON, you should see "act of faith"!
Lets compare and see the evolution in nollywood...from the time of "living in bondage" to "keeping faith" and then to my very best at the moment "act of faith", i mean we must admit that the industry is looking fruitful and will accept our generation with open arms, (well i seem to think everything is about our generation!) just as nollywood has accepted one of us (Rouge empire) and would be starring in one of nollywoods best very soon. HAahahahah, i really cant wait to watch!
Yh Fashion, fashion, fashion.....the only person i can single out at the moment is TOJU FOYEH and her lovely designs, maybe cuz she is all over facebook or something! I am sure there are more people like her who might be waiting for the right time to come out or might already have been out and are yet to catch my attention. Nigeria indeed has a bright future to look forward to!!

And then my final best is LARA GEORGE, another talent who from what i have read, has been out there for a while now but due to my lateness, i am just finding her out. Her single "ijoba orun" is one song that screams "perfection" to my ears, maybe cuz its gospel or the production of that video was at its peak, i dont know. Watch and listen to Lara for yourself, i know im not the only one who feels this way!
So now i will retreat back to my soon-to-be-student life and figure out how i want to "make daddy proud", LOL while on the side i work on making it possible to be there for the NEA 2008 to see all the faboulous people and support them! Visit the website http://www.nea2008.com/ and vote, vote wisely for rouge empire (PINK PEARL) supporter, AY as best comedian of the year.... its just one click away! See you on June 21st in newyork!!!!
Its ROugE baBY!!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008

ok how many of us are looking foward to Monday? well i am so anxious. Is Serena gay or what?if not then who is gay? yea, thots like this has been passing through my head everytime since last monday. But still we have to show our wonderful Serena much love, she is a changed girl. Lmao. Then it might have been noticed that the humphrey family have eyes for big/rich shots too...Dan for Serena and now Jenny for that Cute rich child and lets not forget the hottest man there, Rufus for Serena's mom! Doesnt this show just get better by the second? Talking about GG's fashion, who kills it the most? Blair, Jenny, Serena, CHUCK, Nate, Dan? Must admit they all do but still the Van der woodsen and Bass kids just top it all to me, nevertheless we wont forget the not so rich kid who always finds a way to still murder fashion too! JENNY HUMPHREY.
Which outfit would you rather rock?

Soon enough Rouge empire (Soigné) might just be the next company to dress a future show with a sick fashion sense .....so lets keep our fingers crossed!
mY fiRst Blog
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
This has to be interesting i thot, a personal diary for the world to view. hahahaha! how personal can it be?
Ladies, he said, "you need to give me some space". How can that be interpreted by you? Well im a bit offended and i know im not the only one who would be if that was said to them. So today i was talking to a friend and i explained how he used that phrase when talking to me and i asked her to explain why he would say or even think of such. She dint help that much by asking me how many times a day i call him especially when the answer is "not less than 10 times". Lol. So now im restricting it to "0" times a day and let him do the calling, maybe that would help. So i have alot to look foward to tomorrow, my exam scores, my "0" times a day strategy for this boyfriend, an interview for a job at 8 am and its 12.34 am so i would be heading to bed right now. Just an issue i will need comments on...
Boy fashion tips for all sizes and shapes of boys????
Ladies, he said, "you need to give me some space". How can that be interpreted by you? Well im a bit offended and i know im not the only one who would be if that was said to them. So today i was talking to a friend and i explained how he used that phrase when talking to me and i asked her to explain why he would say or even think of such. She dint help that much by asking me how many times a day i call him especially when the answer is "not less than 10 times". Lol. So now im restricting it to "0" times a day and let him do the calling, maybe that would help. So i have alot to look foward to tomorrow, my exam scores, my "0" times a day strategy for this boyfriend, an interview for a job at 8 am and its 12.34 am so i would be heading to bed right now. Just an issue i will need comments on...
Boy fashion tips for all sizes and shapes of boys????
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